Desquamative – occurs in a subacute form, characterized by homogeneous inflammatory interstitial tissues of the lungs. Cryptogenic - occurs in acute, less often - in subacute form. Exudate forms in the alveoli, granulations appear in the bronchioles, but the pulmonary architecture does not change. Lymphoid (characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the interstitial tissue of the lungs, extensive lymphadenitis, occurs chronically in most cases). Respiratory bronchiolitis has a subacute course. The bronchioles and small bronchi are predominantly affected; a mild inflammatory process and sometimes fibrosis are observed.

All forms of the disease are accompanied by a number of common symptoms. The acute form is characterized by a sudden onset and rapid development, symptoms of respiratory failure rapidly increase, and more than 50% of patients die. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, on the contrary, begins unnoticed, and symptoms increase rather slowly. When the pathological process begins to buy hydroxychloroquine online, the patient experiences respiratory dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. Various methods are used in the diagnosis of interstitial pneumonia; making a diagnosis is a rather difficult task. First, the doctor examines the patient, studies his complaints and anamnestic data.

During auscultation, soft creaks are heard (at the initial stages of plaquenil pills of the disease - mainly at the roots of the lungs, at the advanced stage - in all segments and lobes, including the apexes), harsh breathing, and wheezing of various types. The percussion sound in the affected area is shorter than normal.

  • To make a diagnosis, the following types of examination are prescribed.
  • In cases where the data from these studies are insufficient, fibrobronchoscopy and lung biopsy can be performed.
  • Also on X-ray and HRCT images you can see the presence of segmental dilations of the lumen of the bronchi, called bronchiectasis.

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